Say Hello to an Old Friend
Posted on: September 05, 2016 by Michael Battell
If your dentures are:
- Always loose
- Require excessive denture adhesive use
- Contribute to low self-esteem
- Cause chronic soreness
You should consider Implant Secured Dentures as a permanent solution to your denture difficulties.
Dental Implants are the closest replacement for natural teeth and the best way to restore a natural smile.
They are a substitute for tooth roots and can be used to replace a single lost tooth or many missing teeth.
For denture wearers, they act as support and as an anchor for complete and partial dentures.
Improved ability to eat
Improved self-esteem
Decreased denture discomfort
Increased denture stability
Help to prevent bone loss
With Implant Secured Dentures, your mouth can be restored to a more natural state, with an appearance that enhances the beauty of your natural smile and quality of your life.
Patients who choose this treatment have reported that they are happy and comfortable for the first time since the loss of their natural teeth.
Here is what some of our patients have said about their experience with dentures on implants:
"I just had to say thank you, now I can eat whatever I want and my denture stays in place. Implants have changed my life! I wish I had decided to do this years ago. You and your office staff are extremely pleasant, accommodating and very knowledgeable. I am thrilled with my new smile and the care you provided to me. Thank you." B.M.
"I was nervous when I decided to have my bad teeth removed and to have to wear dentures. When we talked about implants I was also nervous, but hopeful. I'm glad I decided to have my dentures on implants. I can finally chew! I can smile! I have no pain anymore! This has changed my life. Thank you for everything." G.R.
"I feel like a different person after you fixed my smile. I smile all the time. I eat what I want. No more blender food. Honestly, I've never made a better investment in my life. You made me feel good about myself again. Thank you!" D.L.
Implant Secured Dentures can be:
Fixed/Non-Removable-attached to dental implants and periodically removed for professional cleaning by your oral health professional
Removable-attached to dental implants but can be removed by you for daily cleaning
Ask us about how dental implants might be the right solution for you!